21st Century Job Market

On Wednesday, November 16th I was able to attend an event called 21st Century Job Market in The University Club room at the Downtown Devos Campus. The event was hosted by Doug Ireland, CEO of You Launch U and Bruce Bendinger, who is the author of The Copy Workshop Workbook. Also, five additional Grand Valley State University Advertising and Public Relations Alumni were in attendance to help out with the event. I enjoyed listening to both the speakers and alumni talk about the ever so changing 21st century job market here in the United States and the advice they had to give.

A lot of interesting points were addressed at this event. Previously to the event, I thought I knew a lot about networking, interviewing, and the importance of resumés and had a pretty good understanding of the job market. However, after attending  I realized I only knew the very basics about these things.They discussed that many employers at places go through hundreds of resumes sometimes and they just fan through these large stacks of résumés so it’s very important that we have something that makes us stand out.

I found this event very beneficial and I was happy I was able to attend it. As a junior in college, it’s very crucial that I start looking into these types of things because I will be looking for jobs here very soon.


Job Strategy Event. (2016, October 30). Retrieved November 28, 2016, from https://www.gvsu.edu/soc/module-events-view.htm?siteModuleId=E0BD9589-932A-3EAF-6F8AD94787D23373&eventId=F7EBAC0C-E1AC-809C-C292F930BB2568E9

Hams, K. (2016, November 16). Networking Event [Digital image]. Retrieved November 29, 2016.


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