

Hams, K. G. (2016, December 5). Watch a soccer game [Digital image]. Retrieved December 5, 2016.

A visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information and data is known as an Infographic. With the help of, I was able to create my very own infographic. is a free, easy-to-use infographic maker that helped me make my infographic above.

As you know by now, this blog is mostly branded towards sports. Therefore, I was able to create an infographic that allows people to learn how to watch a soccer game. With four easy steps, people will know how to properly watch a soccer game and will be well on their way to becoming a massive fan of the sport. The steps are as followed: Find a game, pick a team, do minimal research, and finally appreciate what’s happening. I personally found creating my infographic on this website very easy and fun to use. I highly recommend people to check it out! I will post the link again below!

3 thoughts on “Infographic

  1. I love soccer so I so appreciate this infographic. I played in high school on our varsity team all four years, and I can think back to so many times that I would watch a game with an inexperienced friend or I would talk with my boyfriend after one of my own games and he’d have no idea what’s going on. This infographic is simple but very informal, nice work.


  2. Pingback: Infographic Piks – MJ Captures

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